Dark Album Names

Get the dark album names ideas list with Includes meaning, origin and era, we believe that the top name can make all the difference.

Dark Album Name List with Means

  1. Obsidian Echoes - Meaning: Refers to the lingering resonance of past sorrows. Origin: English. Era: Modern

  2. Nocturnal Descent - Meaning: Signifies a journey into darkness during the night. Origin: Latin. Era: Contemporary

  3. Eclipse of the Soul - Meaning: Represents a profound emotional darkness. Origin: Greek. Era: Modern

  4. Shadowed Reverie - Meaning: Implies a dreamlike state overshadowed by melancholy. Origin: French. Era: Contemporary

  5. Veil of Midnight - Meaning: Suggests a mysterious shroud enveloping the night. Origin: English. Era: Modern

  6. Dystopian Lament - Meaning: Expresses sorrow within a bleak and oppressive world. Origin: Greek. Era: Contemporary

  7. Cimmerian Melancholy - Meaning: Evokes a deep and perpetual sadness. Origin: Greek. Era: Modern

  8. Whispers in the Abyss - Meaning: Refers to haunting voices from a dark unknown. Origin: English. Era: Modern

  9. Phantom’s Embrace - Meaning: Conveys an ethereal and elusive sense of comfort. Origin: Greek. Era: Contemporary

  10. Harbinger of Shadows - Meaning: Portrays a foreboding presence heralding darkness. Origin: English. Era: Modern

  11. Lacrimosa Noctis - Meaning: Combines "tears" and "night" to signify a sorrowful night. Origin: Latin. Era: Contemporary

  12. Eternal Dusk - Meaning: Implies an everlasting state of twilight. Origin: English. Era: Modern

  13. Chiaroscuro Dreams - Meaning: Represents the interplay of light and dark in dreams. Origin: Italian. Era: Contemporary

  14. Nyx’s Veil - Meaning: References the Greek goddess of night and her shrouding veil. Origin: Greek. Era: Modern

  15. Sable Serenade - Meaning: Conjures a dark and melodic serenade. Origin: French. Era: Contemporary

  16. Infernal Whispers - Meaning: Signifies malevolent and secretive voices. Origin: English. Era: Modern

  17. Umbral Sonata - Meaning: Refers to a musical composition of dark themes. Origin: Latin. Era: Contemporary

  18. Macabre Mirage - Meaning: Describes a haunting and illusory image. Origin: French. Era: Modern

  19. Gloaming Requiem - Meaning: Combines "twilight" and "requiem" for a mournful twilight. Origin: English. Era: Contemporary

  20. Whispers of Desolation - Meaning: Conveys faint voices in a desolate setting. Origin: English. Era: Modern

  21. Nightshade Elegy - Meaning: Evokes a mournful and poisonous beauty. Origin: English. Era: Contemporary

  22. Wraith’s Waltz - Meaning: Depicts a ghostly and haunting dance. Origin: English. Era: Modern

  23. Stygian Reverberations - Meaning: References the river Styx and its dark echoes. Origin: Greek. Era: Contemporary

  24. Obscured Reflections - Meaning: Suggests distorted and hidden self-reflections. Origin: English. Era: Modern

  25. Moonlit Desolation - Meaning: Conjures a desolate landscape illuminated by the moon. Origin: English. Era: Contemporary

  26. Ephemeral Nocturne - Meaning: Implies a fleeting and night-inspired composition. Origin: Latin. Era: Modern

  27. Shadowsong Lullaby - Meaning: Combines darkness with a soothing melody. Origin: English. Era: Contemporary

  28. Nyx’s Embrace - Meaning: Enveloped by the nurturing darkness of night. Origin: Greek. Era: Modern

  29. Creeping Void - Meaning: Portrays a slow and unsettling emptiness. Origin: English. Era: Contemporary

  30. Midnight Mirage - Meaning: Conjures an illusory phenomenon in the dark. Origin: English. Era: Modern

  31. Labyrinthine Shadows - Meaning: Refers to a complex and intricate darkness. Origin: English. Era: Contemporary

  32. Chiaroscuro Enigma - Meaning: Represents a puzzling play of light and dark. Origin: Italian. Era: Modern

  33. Whispers in the Void - Meaning: Implies faint voices within emptiness. Origin: English. Era: Contemporary

  34. Nightfall’s Caress - Meaning: Describes a gentle touch of darkness at dusk. Origin: English. Era: Modern

  35. Veiled Solitude - Meaning: Conveys a solitary state hidden from view. Origin: English. Era: Contemporary

  36. Obsidian Sonata - Meaning: A musical piece inspired by the black gemstone. Origin: Latin. Era: Modern

  37. Silent Eclipse - Meaning: Signifies a quiet and peaceful shadowing. Origin: English. Era: Contemporary

  38. Twilight Threnody - Meaning: Refers to a mournful song during twilight. Origin: English. Era: Modern

  39. Monochrome Reverie - Meaning: Implies a dream-like state in shades of gray. Origin: French. Era: Contemporary

  40. Wanderer’s Nocturne - Meaning: Represents a nighttime journey of a traveler. Origin: English. Era: Modern

  41. Voidbound Melodies - Meaning: Refers to dark and boundless musical compositions. Origin: English. Era: Contemporary

  42. Solace in Shadows - Meaning: Finds comfort within the darkness. Origin: English. Era: Modern

  43. Chiaroscuro Reflections - Meaning: Suggests the contrast of light and dark reflections. Origin: Italian. Era: Contemporary

  44. Nightmare Serenade - Meaning: Combines the unsettling with a melodic tune. Origin: English. Era: Modern

  45. Eternal Eclipse - Meaning: Portrays a never-ending state of shadowing. Origin: English. Era: Contemporary

  46. Threnodies of Nyx - Meaning: Songs of sorrow dedicated to the goddess of night. Origin: Greek. Era: Modern

  47. Enshrouded Memories - Meaning: Memories cloaked in darkness. Origin: English. Era: Contemporary

  48. Nocturnal Rhapsody - Meaning: A night-inspired, emotional composition. Origin: English. Era: Modern

  49. Chasm of Despair - Meaning: Depicts a deep and unending sorrow. Origin: English. Era: Contemporary

  50. Midnight Mosaic - Meaning: Conjures a fragmented image in the dark. Origin: English. Era: Modern

  51. Whispers of the Abyss - Meaning: Faint voices from the depths of darkness. Origin: English. Era: Contemporary

  52. Stygian Nocturne - Meaning: A dark and mournful night composition. Origin: Greek. Era: Modern

  53. Shadowbound Elegy - Meaning: A melancholic tribute to bound darkness. Origin: English. Era: Contemporary

  54. Lunar Lament - Meaning: A sorrowful expression under the moon. Origin: English. Era: Modern

  55. Obsidian Waltz - Meaning: A dance inspired by the black gemstone. Origin: Latin. Era: Contemporary

  56. Nocturnal Novella - Meaning: A night-themed short story. Origin: English. Era: Modern

  57. Shadows’ Embrace - Meaning: Enveloped by the embrace of shadows. Origin: English. Era: Contemporary

  58. Moonlit Echoes - Meaning: Resonances under the light of the moon. Origin: English. Era: Modern

  59. Nyx’s Lullaby - Meaning: A gentle song inspired by the goddess of night. Origin: Greek. Era: Contemporary

  60. Darkened Reverberations - Meaning: Echoes of darkness and despair. Origin: English. Era: Modern

  61. Veiled Nocturne - Meaning: A hidden and mysterious night composition. Origin: English. Era: Contemporary

  62. Whispers in Twilight - Meaning: Faint voices during the transition between day and night. Origin: English. Era: Modern

  63. Eclipse’s Embrace - Meaning: Enveloped by the embrace of an eclipse. Origin: English. Era: Contemporary

  64. Somber Serenade - Meaning: A melancholic and musical tribute. Origin: English. Era: Modern

  65. Chiaroscuro Nocturne - Meaning: A night composition with contrasting light and dark. Origin: Italian. Era: Contemporary

  66. Shrouded Memories - Meaning: Memories concealed in a shroud of darkness. Origin: English. Era: Modern

  67. Nightfall Elegy - Meaning: A mournful expression during dusk. Origin: English. Era: Contemporary

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